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Sap fico training. Simple Step by Step Instructions

sap fico online traning eTrainer instructions A Simple, Smart and Affordable Online Training Solution intended for SAP Career.
A Training system based on Teaching logic, Client Requirements and Certification Preparation.
To create your CONFIDENCE for a bright SAP Career, looking for designed 3 different Phases to take you from Bottom part level.

This is an integrated Software involving Trainer, Step by Step Instructions, SAP Server Monitor Image to practice configuration and Performance analyzer including analyze.

Phase 1: This Phase is aimed towards getting a clear Picture of Stages behind SAP CREDIT Configuration in a Simple and Easy way Want cover all elements of Configuration.
Cycle 2: Here we will discuss Accounting Logics and Technique Logics behind SAP FICO Configuration. Here we will try and answer reason behind each step. Accounting class is usually incorporated in this level to build the accounts judgement.
Phase 3: We will go through areas which is not directly Involved with FICO but important for Interview Preparation. Includes technical Details like ASAP System, LandScape, Transport, Basic ABAPs, Expert CREDIT Level Explanation/ Interview Preparation / Certification Model and so on
To Start the Process, Pay Single time eTrainer System Access Fee of $449 and Register Your own personal Login Info.
You will get All 3 Levels access for few months. (24/7).

eTrainer -The Smartest approach to learn SAP FICO Online.

Mastering SAP FICO Online has never been so easy and reasonably priced.

You're probably interested in learning SAP to boost your career prospects to fulfill your dreams. Its well known that people with SAP skills come in demand and are the highest paid in the I . t and Finance industries.

Learning SAP is difficult. It is a large and complex technique and can take a long time to master. To have a job in SAP you should gain confidence throughout SAP at Expert level and you need proper and step-by-step training for that. The most successful companies on the globe recognize the importance of proper SAP teaching.

We have developed Software to show SAP FICO Online. This software is to help you SAP Consultants and SAP Users to learn and make your Skills. We have incorporated all possible stages involving SAP FICO Implementation in the simplest and most affordable technique. This training is directly from internet. You may access the courses from anywhere; all you have is internet connection and PC/Laptop. Booking the DEMO. Our extensive SAP training software programs are designed to give you usable knowledge quickly and proficiently and has the below additional features:

Most lessons include interactive, simulated SAP sessions - such as you are logged into an SAP technique.
You can access the system any time day-to-day.
The lessons will explain each transaction and which often requires you to interact with the screen, as a result gaining hands-on experience
Each student is monitored by encountered consultant.
You can repeat the chapters any zero times you want.

There are many société and free online materials that are available today. But also in order to achieve the DESIRED RESULT, also to ensure a PEACEFUL and EFFECTIVE learning experience, picking out the best and reliable solution is important.

you are looking for any online detail by detail material, consider these two features:

Expensive Server Access.
You would probably not go beyond two chapters, because no on the web material can control the server response and the very small configuration elements required to progress beyond in which.
SAP FICO is a very complex system sent based on accounts. No Online Material is trying for you to logically integrate Accounts In the Material

f you wish to attend a class, consider the below features:

You will learn only actually told.
You are absolutely with respect to the knowledge, SINCERITY and teaching experience of the trainer.
It will be very difficult on your brain to map anything more than 2 hours. You will be taken through different screens with assorted configuration elements one by one. After every only two hrs, you will have to repeat what you discovered if you really have to learn.
At this point consider our solution which will

Guide you in the Base Level to Expert Level.
Designed only to learn this complex system in the simplest manner good Client requirements (No online material or Class has been performing this approach)
So , if you attend your classmates after trying our training system, you can be in a much better position to understand CREDIT. Remember, almost all institutes guarantees placement, nevertheless, you that they will only arrange for two or three interview calls, and they will ensure the location for only the best candidates in the class instructions may be 1 out of 10. Their collection of candidate will be based on your functionality, SAP knowledge etc . So be smart before subscribing to any system. Be ready and prepared before putting time and money; try our system to do the position for you!

This is each of our Guarantee-
This is a SINCERE effort to have the desired result with the most simple, cost-effective and enjoyable experience!
Below is an review of what we provide:
One full configuration spread over all steps involving SAP FICO Configuration.
Its aimed at providing a clear idea of all periods involved in configuration. Interview preparation questions are shared soon after each class. So , after finishing one full construction you can start marketing your resume. Sample Resumes along with Placement Strategies are incorporated at the last session. When you interested to join any class, before joining just about any class we would strongly recommend everyone to finish one entire configuration. Because, you will get a clear thought of the different elements of configuration, end user contract entry screens and user reports. This will allow you to get the best out of the category.

Furthermore, the fact is that now you may arrange interviews, but no one can guarantee location. To pass the interview and survive at work could be the deal. So , we have designed more quantities to give you an in-depth knowledge and experience in regards to the system. If you are looking for free on the web materials, stop wasting your time, get our bodies, you will learn way cheaper than any technique available today.

We have incorporated very thorough explanations about each configuration points. Accounting Concepts and its particular application in SAP FICO is explained thoroughly. Therefore people from non-accounting backgrounds is able to gain the needed confidence and will find out logical application of accounting within SAP. Higher level of of Interview preparation is also presented.

eTrainer - A Simple, Smart along with Affordable Solution for SAP FICO Online Teaching.

State of the art system to find the progress.
Progress monitored by experienced Expert...
Do the configuration any number of times. 24/7
Most Affordable technique to Learn SAP
Learn from anywhere, property, office, etc ...
Fun, simulated SAP sessions
Just like you are generally logged into an SAP system
You will feel like working with live hardware!!!
Interview questions after each category
No Prior Experience required
No Accounting knowledge essential
Accounting is incorporated in the course
Sample Cv to Guide Resume preparation.
Effective Marketing Tricks to grab the Job
Who Should Use Each of our SAP Training System

Anyone who needs to find out SAP quickly and easily
Individuals wanting to start their very own SAP career
Accountants, Accounts Clerks, Facilitators
Office Managers and Students
Consultants converting for you to SAP from other ERP
Managers wanting to to have overview of SAP
Project managers wanting to rapid track their project
Project teams requiring pre-prepared user teaching

Course Contents

Phase 1

Ch1: General Concepts,Estructure and Global Settings

General Concepts

1.General Concepts
2.Modules in R/3
4.Login,Easy Access
5.Case Company
Session 1: Enterprise Structure

1.Define Company
2.Define Company Code
3.Define Business Area
4.Assign Company Code to Company
Session 2: Global Settings

1.Fiscal Year
2.Posting Period
3.Document Type
4.Posting Key
5.Field Status Variant
6.Define Tolerance Group
Ch2: General Ledger(GL) Configuration

GL Master Preparation :Chart of Accounts, Account Groups,,
Retained Earnings Account
Create G/L Account
G/L Posting and Display G/L accounts
Ch3: Documents and Controls

Sample Document ,Hold Document
Park Document ,Document Reversal
Ch4: Accounts Receivables (Customer Accounts)

Customer Account Group, Number Range
Customer Master ,Define Document Type
Create G/L Account for AR, Create Customer Invoice,
Customer Line Item Display, Display A/c Receivable GL
Ch5: Accounts Payables (Vendor Accounts)

Vendor Account Group, Number Range
Define Document Type, Create G/L Account for AP
Vendor Master, Create Vendor Invoice
Vendor Line Item Display, Display A/c Payable GL
Ch6: Incoming Payments

Customer Tolerance Groups
Define Document Type, Create G/L Account
Create Customer Invoice, Create Customer Payment
Display Customer Line Item, Display A/c Receivable GL
Ch7: Outgoing Payments

Vendor Tolerance Groups
Define Document Type, Create G/L Account
Create Vendor Invoice, Create Vendor Payment
Display Vendor Line Item , Display A/c Payable GL
Ch8: Payment Difference (AR)

Partial Payment, Residual Payments
Cash Discount to Customers, Credit Memo
Document Clearing, Terms of Payment
Ch9: Payment Difference (AP)

Partial Payment, Residual Payments
Cash Discount, Debit Memo
Document Clearing, Terms of Payment
Ch10: Special G/L

Advances, Down Payment
Phase 2

Ch11: House Bank, Cash Journal

House Bank, Check Payment
Bank Charges, Cash Journal
Ch12: Dunning, Automated Payment Program (APP)

Dunning Configuration
Dunning Run
APP Configuration
Customer Invoice for APP
Display Customer Line Item, Display A/c Receivable GL
Ch13: Financial Statements Version

Configure FSV
Prepare Balance sheet,Profit and Loss Statement
Reports Balance sheet,Profit and Loss Statement
Reports Different View
Ch14: Integration

Integration -FI and Sales and Distribution(SD)
Integration -FI and Material Management(MM)
CH15: SAP FICO-Controlling1

1.CO Definitions
2.Define Controlling Area[OKKP]
3.Maintain No.Ranges[KANK]
4.Maintain Version[OKEQ]
5.Maintain Version[OKEQ]
6.Create Cost Elements[FS00]
7.Create Cost Elements Groups[KAH1]
CH16: SAP FICO-Controlling2

1.Set Controlling Area[OKKS]
2.Profit Center -Settings[0KE5]
3.Maintain Version[OKEQ]
4.Create Dummy PC[KE59]
3.Maintain Control Parameters for Actual Posting[1KEF]
5.Create Profit Center[KE51]
6.Define Cost Center Categories[OKA2]
7.Create Cost Center
8.Define Cost Center Groups[KSH1]
9.GL-Postings [F-02]
10.Cost Center Balance-Reports[KSB1]
11.Input Plan Data[KP06]
CH17: SAP FICO-Controlling3

1.Define Distribution Method[KSV1]
2.Run Distribution[KSV5]
3.View Reports[KSB1]
4.Assign Revenue Elements to GL
5.G/L Postings Expense
6.G/L Postings Revenue
8.Define Order Types(Internal Order) [KOT2]
9.Create Cost Elements for IO
10.Create Internal/Order[KO01]
11.Posting Internal Order
12.View IO Reports
13.Planning Order Wise[KPF6]
14.Variance Reports
CH18: Accounting Concepts

Basic Accounting Principles
Create Journal Entries
Create Trail Balance
Create Profit and Loss a/c
Create Balance Sheet
CH19: Adv:Enterprise Structure and Global Settings

Variant Principle
Fiscal Years :Calendar year / Non-Calendar year, Shortened fiscal year
Document Control
Posting Authorizations.
Interview Questions
CH20: Adv:GL

Chart of Accounts
G/L Creation
Customer/Vendor Accounts
Bank Master
Interview Questions
CH21: SAP FICO Asset Accounting

Chart of Depreciation
Maintain Depreciation Key
Depreciation Areas
Asset Class
Account Determination
Integration with General Ledger
Maintain Depreciation Key
Asset Document Entry
Asset Class
Asset Explorer
Depreciation Run
Phase 3

CH22:Other Areas

ASAP Methodology
Basic ABAP
Document Entry - More Info
Document Entry - Field Status More Info
Master Data Field Status - More Info
Detailed General Concepts
Sample Resume
Exp.Level Interview Preparation Questions
Exp.Level Certification Preparation Model Test


Follow Me
Mr. Abhishek
My facebook link : www.facebook.com/abhi612
My Twitter link : www.twitter.com/vic2dataentry
My Youtube videos : www.youtube.com/user/vic2dataentry 

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